Request a new waste or recycling bin

You may request a new waste or recycling bin for the following reasons:
- Brand new property without a bin*
- Existing property without a bin
- Lost or stolen existing bin
- Fire damaged bin
- Additional brown, red or yellow bin**
* If you are moving into a brand new property and you are the first occupier, please speak to the developer as they may pay for the bins for your property.
** Each property is only allowed one black bin. If you need more capacity you can apply for a bigger general waste bin.
We re-condition and re-issue wheeled bins. Therefore the bin(s) you receive may not be brand new.
Please note: If your bin has damage due to waste collection activities (e.g. splits, lid or wheel damage), you can request a repair or replacement bin free of charge.
If your property receives pink bags see request new pink bags.
How much?
£18 per bin.
If you are receiving Housing Benefit or Council Tax, you could qualify for a reduced charge of £12.50 per bin.
Please note: the charge is made for the delivery of the bin, not the sale of the bin.
How to apply
To apply for a new bin complete the following online form:
Request a new waste or recycling bin
For terms and conditions see bin delivery terms and conditions.
What happens next?
Your bin will be delivered in 4 - 6 weeks. You cannot collect your bin from Argyll Depot. In the meantime, please place your waste out in the following ways:
Grey bins (general waste)
You will shortly receive a pack of pink waste bags. You can place up to four bags out at the edge of your property or at the usual collection point from 7am on your bin collection day, until your bin is delivered. If you run out of pink bags before your bin is delivered, please contact us to order more pink bags at and state that you are waiting for a bin delivery.
Brown bins (garden waste)
Unfortunately, we are unable to collect garden waste unless it is in a brown bin.
Whilst waiting for your delivery please take any garden waste to your local recycling centre (tip).
Please note: you also need a garden waste subscription for your garden waste to be collected. To apply for our collection service see garden waste collection.
Red or yellow bins (recycling)
Continue to separate your recycling into paper/cardboard and plastic, glass, cans.
Recycling can be placed in untied carrier bags at the edge of your property or at the usual collection point from 7am on your bin collection day.
How can I stop my bin getting lost or stolen?
You are advised to clearly and neatly mark the front of your bin with your address. Place the bin out for collection no sooner than the evening prior to collection day and to return the bin to your property as soon as possible after collection has taken place. For more advice see bin collection top tips.
What happens if I live in a multi-occupancy property?
For flats, multi occupancy properties or where communal bins are provided, the residents or landlord will need to take a collective responsibility for the provision of the waste bins. The number of bins required will be assessed by a recycling officer and will be charged at a rate of £18 (including VAT) per 2 wheeled bin or £160 per 4 wheeled bin. For more information about multi-occupancy properties see flats and shared housing.
Why do I need to supply a wheeled bin?
If you decline to pay for the supply of a wheeled bin you will be served with a Section 46 notice under the Environmental Protection Action 1990 and/or other relevant legislation.
The notice will require you to provide the necessary container for your waste and failure to comply may lead to a fixed penalty notice and/or prosecution.
Once a legal notice is served on a property, collection of incorrectly presented waste (i.e. not in a suitable wheeled bin) will stop pending the supply of the necessary wheeled bin.
We will not empty resident-supplied bins which do not comply with our supply, design or safety requirements. Unsuitable bins may cause injury to staff and/or damage to the collection vehicle.