About the Council

How the Council works
Information about the political leadership, who has control of the Council and details on the Cabinet and Scrutiny Committee.

Council departments and Management Team
Information on the Council's departments and Management Team.

Our social justice values
Information on the Council's and City's social justice values and how to get involved through the Social Forum and Living Wage.

Gender Pay Gap report
The Council's third annual report on the differences in pay between female and male Council employees.

Our fairness agenda
As a city we value people as individuals and everyone has a stake in our community.

Fairtrade Preston
Preston City Council is proud to be a Fairtrade City.

Town twinning
Preston's town twinning links.

Information on who to contact in an emergency, including the Council's emergency contact details.

Civil contingencies act
Information on emergency planning and what emergencies we respond to as a Category 1 responder.

Local Code of Corporate Governance
The Code of Corporate Governance is a framework covering the systems, processes, the cultures and values by which we operates and are accountable for.

Counter Fraud in Preston
Information on the common types of fraud and how to report a fraud case to us.

Who to contact for different types of flooding.