Request new pink bags

Pink bags are only for residents living in residential properties that have no space for wheeled bins. To arrange sacks for business waste see business waste recycling and collection.
Who is this service for?
This is a service for existing customers only. We decide on which properties are issued with pink bags and they cannot be applied for or requested.
How much are new bags?
There is no cost for the delivery of pink bags.
How to request new bags
If you are an existing customer and have run out of pink bags please complete the following online form:
Please note: If your rubbish is left out for collection in something other than a pink bag, you may be fined for littering.
What happens next?
We will deliver your bags within approximately seven working days.
When do I leave my bags out for collection?
Bags may only be left out from 6pm the night before collection day and they must be out by 7am on your collection day. Do not leave bags out on any other day.
Please note: to find your bag collection day see bin collection day. Please wait until after 3pm on the day of your collection before you Missed bin collection.
How many bags can I leave out?
You can leave two to three pink bags out for collection per week. These will need to be left at the front of your property unless we have given you a different collection point.
When do I need to request new bags?
You will be delivered enough pink bags to last you for six months before you need to request any new bags. Please make sure to order a new supply of pink bags before you run out.