Planning appeals

If we reject your planning application, or grant permission, but with conditions you object to, you can appeal against the decision.
You can comment on a planning application even if this is still undecided.
How to appeal a planning decision
Planning appeals are handled by the Planning Inspectorate. You can access the system online through GOV.UK.
Appeal or search a planning decision or notice
You can find any case on the system using one or more of the following available search fields:
- case reference
- town
- date submitted
- local planning authority
How long do I have to make an appeal?
Most appeals must be made within 6 months of the decision date. This time period is shortened to 12 weeks for householder and minor commercial development appeals and 8 weeks for advertisement appeals.
For full details of the appeal timescales can be found at GOV.UK - Appeal or search for a planning decision or notice.
Appeals register
A list of the appeals for Preston City Council planning applications can be found on the appeal search facility.
View the Planning appeals search
Advice on appeals
The GOV.UK website provides advice on written representations, hearings and inquiries on taking part in an appeal.
- GOV.UK - Planning appeals dealt with by written representations
- GOV.UK - Planning appeals dealt with by a hearing
- GOV.UK - Planning appeals dealt with by an inquiry
Householders appeals service
The Planning Inspectorate run a Householder appeals service, where you will find more information and details of how to apply.
The following appeals would not be within the scope of the householder appeal service:
- appeals against any grant of planning permission, consent, agreement or approval which is granted subject to conditions
- appeals against a local planning authority's failure to determine a householder application (i.e. non-determination appeals)
- appeals against listed building consent applications or conservation area consent applications