Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Planning Referendum - Woodplumpton
On Thursday 29 February the Council resolved at full Council to 'Make' (adopt) the Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan (2023-2026) i.e., brought into legal force as part of the statutory Development Plan for Preston.
The Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan will now be used to help decide planning applications within the designated Woodplumpton neighbourhood area.
- Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan 2023-2026 (PDF, 5 MB)
- Character Assessment Woodplumpton Plan 2023-2026 (PDF, 14 MB)
Hard copies of the Decision Statement and Made version of the Neighbourhood Plan are available to view at the Town Hall upon request.
Regulation 18 - Referendum
A Referendum for the Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 11 January 2024.
There was a 10.6% turnout at the referendum. A total of 87.07% (384 people) voted 'yes' to support the Neighbourhood Plan. A total 57 people voted against supporting the Neighbourhood Plan. 1 vote was rejected.
The result of the poll will be uploaded to Referendum Results in due course.
Regulation 17 - Examination
Following the conclusion of the Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 consultation on Wednesday 22 March 2023 at 5pm, the Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Development Plan has been submitted for independent examination.
Rosemary Kidd MRTPI has been appointed as the independent examiner and is expected to carry out the examination at the end of April.
The Council has sent the plan, supporting information and representations to the examiner. The examination considers whether the plan meets the basic conditions and other requirements set out in law, in particular whether it:
- has regard to national policy
- contributes to the achievement of sustainable development
- is in general conformity with the adopted strategic policies for the local area
- is compatible with EU obligations
- meets human rights requirements
Subject to the Plan being accepted as satisfactory and all of the relevant criteria complied with, we can hopefully expect a referendum later in the year.
Examiner's Report and Decision Notice
The Examiners report was received by the Council in September 2023.
The Council considered the Recommendations made by the Examiner at the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday November 1 2023. The Examiners Report and modified version of the Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Development Plan, accounting for the Examiners Recommendations (which would be the version considered at Referendum if approved by Cabinet), were approved by Cabinet and the decision made to proceed to referendum on Thursday 11 January.
The Decision Notice, Examiners Report and modified Woodplumpton Neighbourhood plan and character assessment can be found below.
- Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Development Plan Decision Statement (PDF, 408 KB)
- Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Development Plan - Examiners Report (PDF, 395 KB)
- Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Development Plan - Referendum Version (PDF, 5 MB)
- Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Development Plan Appendix 8 Character Assessment (PDF, 14 MB)
Neighbourhood Plan Documents
The November 2022 Draft Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents submitted for examination include:
- Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan - Submission draft Version October 2022 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 985 KB)
- Consultation Statement (PDF, 636 KB)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Opinion (PDF, 865 KB)
Copies of these documents can be viewed online by downloading the PDF copies or by visiting the Woodplumpton Parish Council.
Hard copies are also available upon request during normal office hours at Preston Town Hall (address as above). For further information about deposit points within the Parish, please refer to the Woodplumpton Parish Council website.
What happens next?
Following this, the examiner will issue a report and will recommend if the plan can proceed to referendum, under Regulation 18.
Further updates will be put on this website as the plan progresses through examination.
Representations Received at Regulation 16 Consultation Stage
A summary of the representations received in response to the Regulation 16 public consultation of the November 2022 Draft Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan can be found below:
Background information
The Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared by a Neighbourhood Plan Working Group on behalf of Woodplumpton Parish Council, as the relevant qualifying body, (under Section 38A (12) of the Planning and Compensation Act 2004) for the 'Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Area' covering the Parish of Woodplumpton and designated by Preston City Council on June 2017.
The draft of the Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan was received by Preston City Council in July 2021. A revised version of the draft Woodplumpton Neighbourhood Plan was submitted in November 2022, superseding the July 2021 draft neighbourhood plan.