Odours and smells

We deal with complaints of smells which cause a nuisance in your home as a result of trade, industrial or agricultural activities.
Please note: we cannot take action against smells from a domestic property unless it is due to a build up of waste at that property.
Types of problems
For information on types of smell problems and how to report a problem see below:
Commercial premises smells
Examples of smells we deal with include:
- takeaways
- animal processing
- painting
- bulk storage
How to report
Report a commercial smell problem
Domestic waste smells
We cannot take action against smells from a domestic property unless it is due to a build up of waste at that property. E.g. a build up of rubbish in your neighbours yard.
How to report
Report a domestic smell problem
What happens next?
You will be sent an odour nuisance diary (PDF, 107 KB) to support your allegations.
If we feel there is a case to investigate we will:
1. Attempt to witness an odour nuisance.
2. Write to the person causing the nuisance asking that they reduce or remove the odour.
If after witnessing the odour, we are satisfied that a nuisance is occurring, we will serve an Abatement Notice on the person(s) causing the nuisance.
Drain and sewer smells
Please note: smells from drains and sewers are not dealt with by us.
How to report
- Drains (yours or neighbour) or sewers - visit United Utilities - blocked drains or call 0845 746 2200
- Highway gully - visit Lancashire County Council - Contact us
Trade waste smells
For problems with smells from trade waste please contact:
wastemanagement@preston.gov.uk or 01772 906909.
Land or muck spreading smells
Smells from land or muck spreading are usually temporary and pose little risk to health. We would not investigate a complaint about land spreading unless it became a frequent occurrence.