Reporting a housing standards issue

Report a house or building's condition, make a complaint or get advice
You don't have to live in Preston to report a problem. However, we only take reports relating to properties within the Preston area.
You can use our Report a housing standards issue form to get help with the following:
If you are a tenant and want to complain about the condition of your property
You can report problems or request assistance on issues concerning the condition of your rented accommodation. However, you must tell the Landlord/Agent in writing about the issues.
If you are not confident about writing to your landlord to ask for repairs, you can access template letters to help you by visiting Shelter - How to report repairs to a private landlord.
Please note that any issues related to the following subjects must be referred to the Housing Advice Service:
- Issues related specifically to your tenancy agreement
- Tenant or landlord law
- Threats of eviction or homelessness
- Arrears
If you want to complain about a neighbouring property
If you are an owner occupier or landlord and a problem with a neighbouring property is causing damage to your property. This could be a building defect or the failure of the owner of a neighbouring property to act.
Please note, issues affecting the party wall or boundary are not covered by this. Party wall issues must be referred to your solicitor.
For more information see the Party Wall Act (communities and local government) (PDF, 3 MB).
If a property is open to unauthorised access (possibility of injury or damage)
You can report open or derelict commercial or residential vacant properties or buildings that may result in unauthorised access.
If you are a landlord and would like advice
You can ask for advice and guidance on a range of housing services from us. Please also see our advice for landlords section.
How to report a housing standards issue
If you'd like to report a housing standards issue with a property in the Preston area please fill out the online form.