The Mayor of Preston's Blog 2022 - 2023 - Councillor Neil Darby

Hello and welcome to my series of monthly blogs.
I am Councillor Neil Darby and I became Mayor of Preston in May this year. As one of the youngest Mayors of Preston, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my work and experiences in the role to highlight just some of the amazing people and places in and around our wonderful city, which, of course, celebrates its 20th year anniversary of city status this year.
The tradition of having a Mayor of Preston dates back to the middle ages when the City's first Charter (a document bestowing certain rights on a town) was granted by Henry II in 1179.
The Mayor of Preston acts as the city's first citizen, which means I speak on behalf of the city and the Mayor's role is an important part of its identity. I also represent local people at civic and ceremonial events, so please share these exciting experiences with me!

The Mayor of Preston's May blog

The Mayor of Preston's April blog

The Mayor of Preston's March blog

The Mayor of Preston's February blog

The Mayor of Preston's January blog 2023

Happy New Year from the Mayor of Preston

The Mayor of Preston's November blog

October has been another busy month!

A month of immense sorrow and immense pride as Mayor of Preston

The Mayor of Preston's August blog