Appendix documents

Below is a list of PDF appendix documents from the Achieving Preston's Priorities (APP) report document.
You can download a full copy of the Achieving Preston's Priorities (APP) 2023/24 (PDF, 1 MB) document here.
- Appendix A - Initial Forecast February 2022
- Appendix B - General Fund Forecast Assumptions
- Appendix C - Forecast Changes
- Appendix D - General Fund Forecast Adjustments
- Appendix E - General Fund Forecast
- Appendix F - Savings and Growth Proposals
- Appendix G - Capital Financing Statement
- Appendix H - Key Areas of Financial Risk (Revenue and Capital)
- Appendix I - The Capital Strategy, including Prudential Indicators and Limits
- Appendix J - Treasury Management Strategy, including the borrowing strategy
- Appendix K - The Investment Strategy, including investment indicators
- Appendix L - The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement

Appendix A - Initial Forecast February 2022
The Budget Cabinet financial forecast proposals.

Appendix B - General Fund Forecast Assumptions
General Fund Forecast Assumptions.

Appendix C - Forecast Changes
Forecast Changes, including unavoidable Revenue Spending Pressures and changes to assumptions.

Appendix D - General Fund Forecast Adjustments
The following notes relate to the adjustments made to the forecast set out in appendix C.

Appendix E - General Fund Forecast
General Fund Forecast.

Appendix F - Savings and Growth Proposals
Savings and growth proposals.

Appendix G - Capital Financing Statement
Capital Financing Statement.

Appendix H - Risks
Appendix H sets out key areas of Financial Risk for revenue and capital budgets.

Appendix I - The Capital Strategy
The Capital Strategy Report 2023/24.

Appendix J - Treasury Management Strategy
Treasury Management Strategy, including the borrowing strategy.

Appendix K - The Investment Strategy
The Investment Strategy, including investment indicators.

Appendix L - Statement of Policy on the Minimum Revenue Provision
The Statement of Policy on the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP).