Owen Street / Crook Street - car parking (for rent) - other uses considered subject to planning approval

The property is located at the junction of Owen Street, Crook Street close to Ribbleton Lane, and approximately ¼ mile from the city centre. The surrounding area comprises retail warehousing and industrial uses.
600 sq yds (501 sq m) - 17 Car Parking spaces.
Offers in the region of £5,500 (Plus VAT) per annum, exclusive.
Business rates
- Rateable Value £4,000
- Rates Poundage 2020/2021 49.9p in the £
- Rates Payable 2020/2021 £1,996
Lease term
Up to three years.
Other terms
All other terms to be agreed between the parties.
The property may be used as Car Parking, with other uses being considered, subject to Planning Approval.
Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred in completing a Lease.
The Property may be viewed from Owen Street, Crook Street.
How to rent the property
lease a council property form (limited company) (PDF, 829 KB)
lease a council property form (non limited company) (PDF, 88 KB)