Renew your taxi driver licence

Once you have had your driver licence for nearly 12 months (or 3 years if applicable), we will remind you, in writing, to make an appointment at the Town Hall to renew your licence before it expires.
The taxi driver licence application form will be included with your reminder letter.
Important Information - Changes for taxi and private hire licence applications from April 2022
The rules are changing if you're an individual, company or any type of partnership applying for a licence as a:
- taxi driver
- private hire driver
- private hire vehicle operator
If you make an application on or after 4 April 2022 you'll need to complete a tax check with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if you're:
- renewing a licence
- applying for the same type of licence you previously held, that ceased being valid less than a year ago
- applying for the same type of licence you already hold with another licensing authority
You must carry out the tax check yourself. You cannot ask a tax agent or adviser to do this on your behalf. If a tax check is not completed, the licensing authority will be unable to consider your application to renew your licence.
You can find all the information you need on how to register and undertake your mandatory tax check at GOV.UK - Changes for taxi, private hire and scrap metal applications from April 2022. There is also a GOV.UK - Tax Check Factsheet to assist you with this process. The tax check must be undertaken before you submit your application for renewal.
First-time applicants must give confirmation on their application form that they are aware of the guidance about their tax obligations and have read and understood the requirements which can be viewed at GOV.UK - Confirm your tax responsibilities when applying for a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence. If you do not confirm that you are aware of the guidance, you will not be issued with a licence.
How to renew your driver's licence
Apply for a renewal or replacement taxi driver's licence
Once you have submitted your driving licence renewal application and paid the fee please follow instructions below
Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Certificate
You will be required to provide an enhanced DBS certificate. Our partner Taxi Plus will work with you and make sure you have the required documentation needed to complete your DBS application.
To start this process please visit Taxi Plus - Preston City Council
If you have any questions about obtaining a DBS check then please visit Taxi-Plus's most frequently asked questions.
If there are any concerns about any criminal or motoring convictions then the application will be referred to the Taxi and Miscellaneous Committee. If you would like to discuss these convictions prior to making an application please contact Licensing Services on 01772 906910 (Mon - Fri 10am -12pm).
Registration to the DBS Online Update Service
If you are not already subscribed, on receipt of your DBS certificate you will need to register to the DBS Online Update Service. To do this please visit GOV.UK - DBS Update Service and follow the online instructions. You MUST register within 30 days of the certificate being issued. Failure to do this within the allotted time will result in you having to apply for a new DBS certificate through Taxi Plus at a further cost to yourself.
Documentation check appointment
Once you have completed the above steps, you should book an appointment to have your documents validated by contacting Licensing Services on 01772 906910 (Mon - Fri 10am - 12pm). You will be required to provide the following:
- Passport or Birth Certificate
- If you do not hold a British passport you will require a right to work check code which you can obtain from GOV.UK - Prove your right to work to an employer
- Enhanced DBS certificate
- Verification of your DBS Online Update Service registration
- Completed Medical form (PDF, 2 MB) - this can be no older than 3 months old from the date of your appointment and should be completed by a medical practitioner who has sight of your full medical records and not just a summary.
At the appointment you will also have your photograph updated which will be used for your driver badges.
When do I receive my hackney carriage or private hire driver's licence?
Once we have a complete and valid application your badges and paper licence will be processed. You will receive an SMS message when your licence and badges have been issued so you may collect them from the Town Hall reception desk during office opening hours.
The National Register of Taxi Licence Revocations and Refusals
We participate in an initiative to help strengthen the taxi and private hire trades for the benefit of both passengers and responsible drivers.
The initiative is a National Register of Taxi Licence Revocations and Refusals.
Applications for both taxi and private hire driver licences will be checked on the register which will include information on persons refused an application or persons having had a taxi or private hire driver's licence revoked by another Council.
Please note that where an applicant's details are flagged on a register search, this will be followed up separately between Councils.
Any such request in relation to your record will be responded to in accordance with our policy in respect of requests for information, disclosure of information and use of information as a result of an entry of NR3.
For more information see our request for information and disclosure policy (Appendix B).
Map Address Preston Town Hall
Town Hall, Lancaster Rd, Preston PR1 2RL