Preston's Local Plan

The Preston Local Plan 2012-26 (Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (DPD) was adopted on 2 July 2015 and covers the period 2012 to 2026.
The role of the Preston Local Plan is twofold:
- To identify the scale of development and allocate sites to meet the development needs of Preston. This will achieve the vision for growth as outlined in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.
- To identify key local issues and provide a set of policies to manage change. These will then be used by decision makers to determine planning applications. These are known as development Management (DM) Policies.
Together with the Central Lancashire Core Strategy adopted July 2012, forms the development plan for all parts of the City excluding the City Centre (which is covered by the City Centre Area Action Plan).
The Inner East Preston Neighbourhood Plan also applies within the identified Inner East Preston Neighbourhood Area as well as Broughton in Amounderness Neighbourhood Plan.
You can download a full copy of Preston Local Plan (PDF, 3 MB) here.

Vision for Preston
The Core Strategy sets out its strategic vision for Central Lancashire by the year 2026.

The Local Plan maps
Access maps on potential developments and allocated sites in your area.

Delivering Infrastructure
Infrastructure is integral to the sustainability of our city and villages, as well as the delivery of new development.

Areas for Development
Areas been developed in Preston in accordance with the Central Lancashire Core Strategy Policy.

Homes for all
The number of new houses required in Preston, including affordable housing, student accommodation, HMO's and allocation of housing sites.

Delivering Economic Prosperity
How Preston will develop the local economy and providing enough jobs for existing and future generations.

Sustainable Travel
Key aims of the Core Strategy are to encourage alternatives to the car, the local plan will help influence choices.

Protecting the Natural Environment
Information on how the local plan aims to improve the quality of life for existing and future communities by protecting the environment.

Promoting Health and Wellbeing
Many aspects of planning policy contribute to achieving and maintaining better health and wellbeing.

Tackling Climate Change
The Core Strategy encourages energy efficiency in new developments and renewable and low carbon energy generation in the City.

Preston Local Plan glossary
A list of terms to help you understand unfamiliar Planning terms.