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Week 23 - 06.09.2024


Planning applications registered between 30 August 2024 and 6 September 2024.

Committee Call-In Deadline Date: Week 23 - 27 September 2024.

Application 06/2024/0682

View application details for 06/2024/0682

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Tesco Express, Harrow Drive, Preston, PR4 0UZ

Proposal - Wall mounted satellite dish

Case Officer - Lucy Henwood on 5 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0687

View application details for 06/2024/0687

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Betts Farm, Benson Lane, Catforth, Preston, PR4 0HY

Proposal - Change of use of land for creation of sand paddock for private use

Case Officer - Lucy Henwood on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0743

View application details for 06/2024/0743

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Dam House, Inglewhite Road, Preston, PR3 2EB

Proposal - New vehicular access including closure of existing vehicular access and relocation of approved garage under application 06/2021/1163

Case Officer - Lucy Henwood on 5 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0802

View application details for 06/2024/0802

Ward - Deepdale

Location - Telecommunications Station, The Box, 34 St Thomas Road, Preston, PR1 6DL

Proposal - Upgrade of existing rooftop base station installation, removal and replacement of 6no. antennas on existing 3no. antenna support poles (2no. each) with 3no. antennas on existing 3no. antenna support poles (1no. each), installation of 1no. GPS node, existing equipment cabinets to be refreshed internally and development ancillary thereto

Case Officer - Lucy Henwood on 3 September2024

Application 06/2024/0867

View application details for 06/2024/0867

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Land at Cardwell Farm, Garstang Road, Barton, Preston, PR3 5DR

Proposal - Discharge of condition no.14 (Archaeology), no.15 (Drainage), no.16 (Surface water management plan), no.18 (Construction and environmental management plan), no.19 (Landscape/habitat management plan), no.20 (Tree survey), no.21 (Badger survey), no.22 (Amphibians), no.23 (Intrusive phase II site investigation), no.24 (Site access junction), no.25 (Materials), no.31 (Streets), no.32 (External lighting), no.33 (Travel plan) and no.36 (Boundary treatments) attached to planning permission 06/2022/0644

Case Officer - Jonathan Evans on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0868

View application details for 06/2024/0868

Ward - Plungington

Location - Moor Park House, 81-83 Garstang Road, Preston, PR1 1LD

Proposal - Trim 2no. trees

Case Officer - Dawn Wilson on 3 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0876

View application details for 06/2024/0876

Ward - Ribbleton

Location - 25, Woodside Avenue, Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6QQ

Proposal - Single storey extension to side and rear, following demolition of existing side bay

Case Officer - Michele Evans on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0880

View application details for 06/2024/0880

Ward - Ingol & Cottam

Location - Land to rear of, Cottam Hall Community Centre, Haydocks Lane, Preston, PR4 0NY

Proposal - Part two storey and part three storey building comprising of a children's nursery (Class E(f)), with associated external amenity areas, car and cycle parking, waste storage and associated works

Case Officer - Jonathan Evans on 28 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0886

View application details for 06/2024/0886

Ward - Garrison

Location - 35, Victoria Road, Preston, PR2 8NE

Proposal - 1no. detached outbuilding (part retrospective)

Case Officer - Michele Evans on 29 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0888

View application details for 06/2024/0888

Ward - Ashton

Location - Cottam Lane Business Centre, Cottam Lane, Preston, PR2 1AF

Proposal - Prior notification submission for change of use from offices (Class E) to state funded school for young people (Class F1(a)

Case Officer - Lucy Henwood on 29 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0890

View application details for 06/2024/0890

Ward - Fishwick & Frenchwood

Location - 224, Manchester Road, Preston, PR1 4HJ

Proposal - Two storey and single storey extensions to rear, following demolition of existing single storey kitchen extension

Case Officer - Michele Evans on 30 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0891

View application details for 06/2024/0891

Ward - Preston Rural East

Location - 22, Cummins Drive, Preston, PR3 2DF

Proposal - Certificate of lawfulness for proposed use of existing dwellinghouse as a younger persons care home

Case Officer - Vanessa Cartwright-Bremner on 30 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0892

View application details for 06/2024/0892

Ward - Preston Rural East

Location - Dean Garage, Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston, PR3 2JJ

Proposal - Amendment to planning permission 06/2023/1054 comprising of elevational changes to windows and car port, the car port being replaced with an integral garage and additional room above (non-material amendment not subject to consultation)

Case Officer - Vanessa Cartwright-Bremner on 30 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0893

View application details for 06/2024/0893

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Laburnum House Farm, Bartle Lane, Preston, PR4 0RU

Proposal - Discharge of condition no.3 (Written Scheme of Investigation) attached to planning permission 06/2024/0222

Case Officer - Vanessa Cartwright-Bremner on 30 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0894

View application details for 06/2024/0894

Ward - City Centre

Location - 6 Broadgate, Preston, PR1 8DX

Proposal - Change of use from dwelling (Class C3) to a 6no. bedroom house in multiple occupancy (Class C4)

Case Officer - Megan Stewart on 30 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0895

View application details for 06/2024/0895

Ward - City Centre

Location - 6 Broadgate, Preston, PR1 8DX

Proposal - Listed Building Consent for internal alterations

Case Officer - Megan Stewart on 30 August 2024

Application 06/2024/0896

View application details for 06/2024/0896

Ward - Greyfriars

Location - 9, Kings Drive, Preston, PR2 3HN

Proposal - Crown reduction by 6% 1no. Willow tree

Case Officer - Dawn Wilson on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0897

View application details for 06/2024/0897

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Beech Grove Farm, Malley Lane, Preston, PR4 0BN

Proposal - Discharge of condition no.3 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), no.4 (Archaeology) and no.6 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2023/0868

Case Officer - Jonathan Evans on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0898

View application details for 06/2024/0898

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Barton Grange Hotel, 746-768, Garstang Road, Preston, PR3 5AA

Proposal - Three storey extension to front of existing hotel to provide new entrance/lobby, function room, glazed links and no.50 hotel rooms with external terrace, landscaping and alterations to car park, following the demolition of a detached building (pursuant to 06/2021/0689 to seek variation of condition no.1 approved plans)

Case Officer - Laura Holden on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0899

View application details for 06/2024/0899

Ward - Cadley

Location - Drewmarlei, 286 Tag Lane, Preston, PR2 3UY

Proposal - Outbuilding extension of 5m and increase of ridge height by 1.2m

Case Officer - Katie Wright on 2 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0903

View application details for 06/2024/0903

Ward - Fishwick & Frenchwood

Location - Mete House Farm, Fishwick Bottoms, Preston, PR2 5AU

Proposal - Prior notification for agricultural storage building

Case Officer - Megan Stewart on 3 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0904

View application details for 06/2024/0904

Ward - Preston Rural North

Location - Edencroft, Moorside Lane, Preston, PR4 0TB

Proposal - Prior notification for change of use of agricultural building to 1no. dwelling

Case Officer - Lucy Henwood on 3 September 2024

Application 06/2024/0912

View application details for 06/2024/0912

Ward - Garrison

Location - 139, Watling Street Road, Preston, PR2 8BQ

Proposal - Crown raise to 5m, trim base and side growth 1no. Lime tree (T1) and reduce height up to 5 metres by removing multiple top shoots 1no. Grey Willow tree (T2)

Case Officer - Dawn Wilson on 4 September 2024

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